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CAM Meets: Sherman Canapp

Dr Sherman Canapp performed his undergraduate work at University of Maryland Baltimore County and Towson University. He performed graduate studies in biochemistry at Johns Hopkins University, where he gained experience in surgical and pharmaceutical research.

Dr. Canapp is currently researching regenerative medicine; specifically, the use of stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Dr. Canapp currently practices orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine at the Veterinary Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group (VOSM) in Annapolis Junction, MD where he is owner and Chief of Staff.

In 2015, Dr. Canapp established Project GO (Global Orthopaedics for Animals). Project GO is a non-profit foundation dedicated to helping animals with musculoskeletal injuries from working dog government organisations, rescue organisations, wildlife organisations that have significant budget constraints as well as pet owners with financial hardship.


He kindly took some time to answer some questions from us on managing canine arthritis.

What are your feelings on how we currently manage arthritis in dogs?

I feel that overall we are getting much better at the way we manage our canine patients with osteoarthritis. Years ago it seems the standard of care was simply restricted activity, leash walking and pain management. However, now with the introduction of biologics, regenerative therapies, minimally invasive procedures, rehabilitation therapy, dietary and exercise modifications, we have completely changed the landscape of this debilitating disease.


As a specialist in pain management what do you feel is essential for managing canine arthritis effectively?

One of the most important components is early intervention, multi-modal therapy, and a team approach between the patient, owner, therapist, primary care veterinarian and specialist.


You are one of a number of vets passionately promoting the essential need of including physical therapy and rehabilitation programmes in managing arthritis, and getting very promising results. What advice would you give to owners that would like to consider this as a treatment option for their own dog?

With the encouraging data that is being published in the areas of regenerative therapies and rehabilitation modalities, a more holistic and conservative approach is showing positive outcomes that I believe will continue to progress over time.


How do you see treatment options for arthritis progressing over the next ten years?

Early intervention is key to helping to slow the progression of osteoarthritis and maintain function.

Sherman Canapp
President/CEO @ Orthobiologic Innovations
Owner/Chief of Staff @ VOSM
Founder/CEO @ Project GO (Global Orthopedics)