Duncan Lascelles

Duncan Lascelles

Professor of Translational Pain Research and Surgery

BSc, BVSC, PhD, FRCVS, CertVA, DSAS(ST), Diplomate ECVS, Diplomate ACVS

Dr. Lascelles is Professor in Small Animal Surgery and Pain Management at North Carolina State University. His research program (Translational Research in Pain [TRiP]) develops methods to measure pain associated with spontaneous disease in animals, and seeks to understand the underlying neurobiology. His work improves pain control in companion animals, and facilitates analgesic development in human medicine.

He is director of the Comparative Pain Research and Education Centre (CPREC). He has authored over 200 peer reviewed research papers and reviews and 250 research abstracts, as well as over 30 book chapters. He is co-founder of AniV8, a company dedicated to developing innovative methods of measuring pain.